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EtherScope网络通在TechXNY获奖-Best of Show


 EtherScope Network Assistant wins "Best of Show" at TechXNY

Fluke Networks new EtherScope Network Assistant captured the Best of Show award in the Networking Solutions category at TECHXNY during Technology Week - the largest and most successful IT business event serving the technology industry on the East Coast.

"The Best of Show awards recognize the most innovative personal technology and corporate IT products, solutions and programs at this year's event," said Christina Condos, show director, TECHXNY. "We received a more than 100 entries, which means those chosen as winners are truly the best of the best. Congratulations to Fluke Networks for their outstanding technology."


Network Computing:对 Network Computing 杂志有杰出贡献的编辑、 Syracuse 大学的网络经理 Lee Badman 说:“ES 网络通非常不错,我利用它快速查看整个网络,同时还可远程遥控它,任何情况都不会逃过我的双眼。”……


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